Drink Me


Alcohol is an often overlooked source of calories and sugar can really sabotage your quest for essential nutrition. Many people binge drink without even realizing it because it’s socially acceptable to consume multiple drinks. Binge drinking is defined as the ongoing drinking of five or more drinks for males and four or more drinks for females.

Below are consequences related to binge drinking:

  • gastrointestinal distress
  • immunosuppression (your immune system decreases its fighting abilities, and not to mention you become more free spirited than usual…which can become a problem in certain situations)
  • acetaldehyde accumulation in your liver. (Does that sound like it causes cancer or cirrhosis? Yep. It does.)
  • infertility (don’t put all your eggs in one shot glass)
  • neuropathy (You thought you were senile already at 25? Keep drinking.)
  • osteoporosis
  • dehydration (Coconut water isn’t even going to save you.)
  • hypertension
  • stroke
  • links to a host of cancers

We at Essence are all about a rich Malbec with our dinner meal, but there is no good reason for ten shots of Herradura. Ever. Our culture just seems to have extremism down to a science; grind out 60 billable hours a week in a monkey suit and then go crazy at Friday happy hour. It makes zero sense to us.

Essentially Yours,