We are allowed to suggest various iterations of the things we spent 700 years in schools, internships, and national exams learning. 

It’s not offensive or an aggression or a diet to suggest vegetables, movement, complex starches, drinking water, or anything we clinically and ethically deem medically appropriate to your care.

We, more than anyone else, are sensitive to affronts to your well-being from the aggressor that is #dietculture and will do everything in our power to heal / prevent its insidious appearance, but SALADS ARE NOT SLANDER.

If you start questioning your framework behind a food decision as – omg- is this A DIET FOOD / CULTURE CREEPING IN?? 👾

That’s GOOD! You’re learning!You’re thinking thoughtfully about food.

But you can enjoy kale and not feel “guilty” that it’s “diet food.