Why Your Chocolate is Probably Not Even Real (Yep, Even Your Dark Chocolate), Part I


There are many, many reasons why I stopped eating mass market chocolate after becoming a certified chocolate taster (Level II in progress…)

One of those is the fake acrid “vanilla” in most mass market chocolates. 

Vanilla extract (or “vanillin” or “vanilla flavor”) does not belong in chocolate!!!!

I am now repenting for 34.4 years of eating offensive chocolate, but also for eating offensive vanilla.

This is REAAALLL vanilla, one of the only universally beloved scents across cultures ❤️‍🔥

Tahitian vanilla is wide and juicy 🍑

Madagascar vanilla is floral 🌺

Veracruz evidently has some very fine vanilla 🇲🇽

Vanilla is a plant (exhibit A: see photo if I don’t believe me) and ALL PLANTS HAVE NUTRITIONAL MERIT 🤭

So next time a client tries to shove their “fair trade organic chocolate” at me, I’ll beg their (vanilla) pod-don (PARDON) if there’s terrible vanilla in it (also, the fair trade label is not great…).

Save your vanilla extract for baking your best ever essence nutrition banana bread (search my Instagram feed, you’ll find it!) Probably lurking in 2020 with my sanity)

Image via eatingwell.com