Starbucks Breakfast Devotee? STOP. GIVING. THEM. $6.00!


It has come to my attention that a lot of you LOVE spending $6 a day on Starbucks egg bites which is really great for Starbucks.

You could also… make these copykitty egg bites that actually have yolk which has the choline and vitamin D good good, or you could just keep eating your rubbery egg bites that were frozen since the first Ice Age and thawed for your expensive pleasure?

Grease molds (I use reusable silicone ones) with olive oil

Blend 8 eggs, some olive oil, pinch salt, pinch pepper, 1 cup frozen chopped spinach, 1 cup cottage cheese, 1 cup shredded cheese

Bake at 325 for an hour.

you can add paprika/hot pepper flakes at the end orrrrr hot honey (whisk melted honey with sriracha YOU ARE WELCOME!)

Freeze these for a quick nuke when you’re off to the races and only stopping at Starbucks to hemorrhage money for bitter coffee.

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