It’s FOOTBALL SEASON!!! And while my professional pursuits are more baseball-related, I did spend a fair amount of time growing up attending […]

It’s FOOTBALL SEASON!!! And while my professional pursuits are more baseball-related, I did spend a fair amount of time growing up attending […]
Lana del Rey famous cooed about ‘Summertime Sadness.’ But now – we are going COO-COO for SUMMERTIME SNACK(ness)! Snacks put the FUN […]
I’m always fascinated with other cultures’ approach to nutrition and how their laudable eating assets somehow highlight the things we Americans, who […]
Yes, I just quoted T.I. I do that from time to time. I was disturbed when I first started my practice by […]
The BEST protein powder on the market is from an unlikely source. It’s the only one I recommend to my private clients in the office. It’s vegan (so no cholesterol – as that only comes from animal product), it’s Non-GMO, gluten-free, soy-free, isolate-free, has probiotics AND enzymes to promote gut health and immunity, has fruit and vegetable complexes, and has 16 grams of protein per serving as well as 7 grams of fiber. THIS IS NOT A DRILL. THIS IS REAL LIFE.
The Best Part of Waking Up [besides all your new Instagram notifications] There’s nothing as intoxicating as the scent of fresh-brewed coffee. […]
Hear ye, hear ye. I may have framed all juice as evil in my post here. Alas, this is not true. Allow […]
How to Win at Life/Brunch Life has its downs (traffic, backordered shoes, denim on denim) and its ups (micropigs, brunch). In order […]
The most impressive food trend that can be owed entirely to marketing of the last five years is undoubtedly juicing. Juicing involves […]