We all love the meme that says “when you turn 30, everything you know and love turns to cauliflower.” lol but like, […]
Tag: essential living
What On Earth is Kefir, and How Do I Drink (Eat?) It
OPEN MOUTH, INSERT KEFIR. Kefir is something I downed throughout 🤰 /post partum because it’s a drinkable (read: FAST) source of protein, […]
A Girl Has No Coffee (Why People Who Quit Coffee are Wrong and Sad)
I WILL GRIND YOUR BONES TO MAKE MY BREAD, er, grind your v expensive artisanal 🇨🇴 beans to make my ☕️ . […]
SOY Vey? Is Soy Bad For You?
Soy vey — poor soy got a bad wrap for “causing cancer” and “causing hormones to be disrupted.” Fake news. Soy is: […]
New Year, MINDFUL Resolutions
We purposely held this post until AFTER the January resolution glitter faded; because here are some REAL resolutions you can sink your […]
Nutrition TOUCHDOWNS and FUMBLES; Game Day Survival
It’s FOOTBALL SEASON!!! And while my professional pursuits are more baseball-related, I did spend a fair amount of time growing up attending […]
De-clutter your DIET this De-cember
December is all about consumerism and buying more STUFF. The Buddhists say that stuff ends up owning YOU, and not the other […]
Meal Prep Mania
Wouldn’t it be a dream to open your fridge and see rows of neatly tucked tupperwares glasses organized according to date and […]
THANKful for your Body
It’s… THANKSGIVING!!! Well, almost. In the spirit of giving THANKS, why don’t we attribute some gratitude to your BODY. Your BODY does […]