It’s… THANKSGIVING!!! Well, almost. In the spirit of giving THANKS, why don’t we attribute some gratitude to your BODY. Your BODY does […]

It’s… THANKSGIVING!!! Well, almost. In the spirit of giving THANKS, why don’t we attribute some gratitude to your BODY. Your BODY does […]
Build-a-Bear NAILED IT with overpriced customizable stuffed animals. Now, juice bars nationwide are serving you fifteen dollar bowls of diabetes. Well, sometimes. […]
When I was an a dietetic intern in 2013 and first encountered the FODMAP diet, I was stupefied by a) how anyone […]
It’s not all glamor and instagrammable overnight oats in mason jars as dietitians in private practice. We wanted to expose you to […]
Lana del Rey famous cooed about ‘Summertime Sadness.’ But now – we are going COO-COO for SUMMERTIME SNACK(ness)! Snacks put the FUN […]
I’m always fascinated with other cultures’ approach to nutrition and how their laudable eating assets somehow highlight the things we Americans, who […]
AMERICA IS THE BEST. USA. USA. No really, it is. We’ve traveled a lot. We have some things to improve upon in […]
….because we all have work trips and love to blame them for falling off the wagon. Your work convention is an OPPORTUNITY […]
Essence Hazelnut Cacao Superfood Spread Ingredients: 2 cups of hazelnuts 1 tsp organic vanilla extract pinch of Himalayan sea salt (~1/4 tsp) […]