Pack wisely, wear a lifevest, wear sunscreen, order platters with plants and proteins! ⛵️ pack a goldendoodle or any hound for crumb […]

Pack wisely, wear a lifevest, wear sunscreen, order platters with plants and proteins! ⛵️ pack a goldendoodle or any hound for crumb […]
Extremely maniacal monica face when people assume they already know *~everything~* about nutrition and what we eat / do all day … […]
..for kids, but this applies to big kids (adults) as well. The curious incident of the cookie the afternoon our neighbor came […]
You either pay $28 for a salad (OH? You wanted to add a protein? $9 extra 💸) or you’re one of us. […]
AND JUST LIKE THAT 💫 – a small man turned 6️⃣ months and our #solidfood adventures began! Errrr SAUL-id foods — since […]
2008 Monica: hounds down 13 baskets of free chips and salsa before food arrives (lookin’ at you, Las Margaritas Gainesville 🐊) + […]
1,200 calories is a diet for ants. After the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics’ Evidence Analysis Library published these farkakte (Yiddish for […]
We are allowed to suggest various iterations of the things we spent 700 years in schools, internships, and national exams learning. It’s […]
I’Il be honest: sometimes, I do worry, “What if someone questions my credibility based on my size?” Dietitians –slim or not– get […]